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About the Darién
The Darién Provence, Panama
The other gringo you see in these photos and movies is Michael Harrington, the owner of SambuHause, an adventurer’s dream come true in the middle of the jungle with running water, electricity and the best hostesses you will ever meet. (photos of Maria and Augustina on the Sambu page). They are like your Mother in the jungle and take care of their guests with Darien style hospitality and great care. Every detail is taken care of for you. Home cooked meals and cold beer awaits your return while you explore the river, the forests and the Indian Villages with local guides. You can choose to return to SambuHause each night or continue your adventures further into the Darien and sleep in the jungle or in one of the villages. No matter, you will definitely have the time of your life in the Darien.
I will never forget these people nor will I let more then a year pass before I return. The Darien is a very special place and once you enter, you will leave a part of yourself there and you will take a new part out with you.
Here are some links to info about the Darien. It is a fascinating place and I encourage you to read about it.
Thanks for visiting,
Bob 2008
(First article I read about the Darien. I knew I would go there before I even finished the article).
The World Conservation Monitoring Centre (a .pdf file full of interesting info)
International Journal Of Wilderness
Smithsonian Institute The Darién
The Effect of the Colombian Conflict in the Darién
The above link is a great resource for many links about the Darién
BBC Uncovers Scots Jungle History
Letters From The Darién; dated 1699
More on the Scots Darien Disaster
SambuHause Home base in the jungle