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That is the new slogan from the Colombian tourism industry. It is true that you will want to stay and that things are no way near as dangerous as they once were! The security is much better than the theatrics that we are subjected to in the US and other countries. From the Local or National Police to the Military personal, most were very amiable. In 2002 president Alvaro Uribe took office and has cracked down hard on guerrilla groups like the ELN and the FARC who have terrorized the Colombian people for so many years. There are still such groups operating in Colombia today but the numbers have beed reduced drastically since Uribe took office and there is a no tolerance attitude in most all the country. Perhaps originating with respectable intentions, these groups are more into extortion and drugs these days.
From the tropical jungles that grow right down to the sandy beaches to the snow covered mountains of the Sierra Nevada's, Colombia has got it all.
Colombia, the only risk is......
wanting to stay!